Sunday, August 31, 2008

I met Carl 23 years ago tonight!
Blind date. . . . . My best friend set us up.
ASU Singles dance.
We actually met at Snow Oasis across the street.
I am not sure they still have YA dances there, but I know
Snow is not there any more! Truely a loss.
We didn't start dating right away, it took me a while to fall for him.
But he said he knew I was it from the begining.
I am greatful for my friend, she knew me well enough to find me
Mr. Right. I will be forever greatful to her!
I am so lucky to have such a wonderful husband!!!!
Here is to the next 23 years!!!!!


Unknown said...

It was my pleasure - so happy to have you in my life !

OK said...

YEAH! I am so happy for you 2. We just celebrated our 24th. It's great when you can tell people that you have been together for so long, with the ups and downs of life. They just make you stronger. You are an amazing person, and a great friend. Love ya, Lynn

Kathy said...

Hey there, how the heck are you? I found you on Kat's blog and couldn't resist taking a peak.

I love your blog!