Saturday, May 31, 2008

Family Proclamation Cookie

Make these cookies to help your family learn about the different roles of the family,
(from The Family Proclamation).

When the dough is complete…. Remember that this is no ordinary dough.
This is sweet, because the family is sweet when it is blessed by Heavenly Father.
When each person in the family does what they should, our family is Blessed!

This recipe has to have all the right ingredients in order to work....just like a family.
Everyone can help. Everyone can add some chocolate chips and share ways they can serve their family.


1 Husband (one stick of butter)1 Wife (one stick of Butter)Blend these two together (marriage)
Crack open: all the blessings of the Priesthood. (One egg)
Next: crack open: all the things that a Father does for the family.
Provides, Protects, Presides the family in love in righteousness. (Add another egg)
Combine: 3/4 cup of Nurturing love by our Mother (white sugar)
Add: 3/4 cup of Gospel teaching by Mother and Father (brown sugar)
Stir in...2-1/4 cups of Faithful, respectful, Obedient, compassionate Children (flour)
Add one teaspoon of repentance (salt)
- one teaspoon of prayer (soda)
- one teaspoon of forgiveness (vanilla)
Mix well, and add 2 cups of unselfish SERVICE! (Chocolate Chips)

Combine all ingredients and drop by spoonfuls onto a cookie sheet. Bake at 375 for 9-11minutes.

Friday, May 30, 2008

Since my pantry is full of cereal I thought I would make a batch or two of this
really yummy snack mix. I got the recipe from Jean Harper, then tweaked it!
We LOVE it, feel free to tweak away!!!!

Crunchy Caramel Snack Mix

3 c cocoa puffs 3 c chex cereal (your choice)
2 c golden grahams cereal 1c peanuts (or chow mein noodles)

In medium pan mix together:

1c brown sugar 1/2 c butter 1/4 c light corn syrup

Cook and stir over medium heat till butter melts and mix begins to boil.
Cook with out stirring for 4 minutes. Remove from heat and stir in:

1/4 tsp baking soda 1/4 tsp cream of tarter 1/2 tsp vanilla

Por over cereal mix, stirring until all is coated with syrup.
Pour on to large baking sheet. Bake for 30 min at 300 degrees.
Cool Eat Yummmmmmy!!!!!

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Today is Emmaly and Trent's 5 month Anniversary!!!
Tomorrow is National Turtle Day........

Our son graduated from 8th grade last night!
It is the third time we have watched one of our children
take the walk from little kid to teen.
And as we watched and listened, and viewed him and all
his great friends I was once again reassured that my kids
are totally AWESOME!!!
It was a very nice program, the best one yet.
And may I just say, my son was the most handsome
young mad there!
We were invited to The Peterson's for an after
graduation bbq. It was delightful! The Peterson's
are Mark's other family. If he were to run away, we would
find him there. (We would probably take him!)
They are a wonderful family, we are very lucky to have
them as part of our sons life. And how many kids do
you know that make thier own elevator music while
on hold.. Kenny Peterson does! We love the kid!

I watched American Idol for the first time last night, it was ok.
I still don't see what all the fuss is about.

I called Emmaly today and thanked her for sending this
WONDERFUL weather down from Idaho.
She is having 40 degree weather and rain. Well she sent
70 degree rain home to us, and we are thrilled!!!

Hope you enjoy National Turtle Day tomorrow!
Hug your kids, take a deep breath, and dive into
Summer Vacation!!!!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Today is National Kite Day....
It was breezy and rainy and lovely.... a good day for a kite!

I am learning much at the new job.
We have had lessons on having good attitudes, on being
nice and on doing the right thing.
Lessons I would love to share with my family. And your family too!
I have also learned loads about the web sights, I do feel like my
brain is on overload. But I seem to do OK on the phones. So I guess
the rest will come with time.

Mothers day was very nice.
The kids made me french toast for breakfast. Carl even surprised me
with boysenberry syrup.(my favorite)
Sara made cheese cake with fresh berries, and strawberry pie!

My Meg gave me a bowl she painted at school. It is lovely!
She also made me not one but two cards, one with her photo!
And a poem with her love.
My son gave me a letter. (yep, I cried and cried!!!)
Then he gave me a manila envelope. Inside was a piece of
his work from each year of school. From k-8. (yep, I cried and cried)
(I will find the teacher in charge of that and give them my thanks)
My Sara Sue made me the most beautiful ceramic cookie jar, in the
shape of a bunch of grapes. It is awesome. She is soooo talented.
I can not begin to tell you how much I love her work.
My Emma and Trent sent me clothes for my TK bear. They are
from BYU, the are TRENT! We put little Shaq shoes on him to
make him complete.
My kids are all so good to me!! I loves the treasures.

We spent dinner with the Paolacci's and Harper's. Always a treat!
The perfect ending to a perfect day!

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Children laughing has to be the very closest thing to angels singing.
I love to hear giggles and belly laughs.
Nothing is so refreshing and wonderful. You can't help but smile.
How lucky we are to have our little ones in our lives.

I took my children to the library this morning. We had movies to
return, and I love to look for a good book.
But Mark found the book of choice today.
He did it quietly, I did not know he was looking for it,
but we were all so thrilled to have it in our
home again after so many years.
"Piggie Pie" by Margie Palatini
Yep we all took turns reading it out loud to each other.
We love this book. I think I need to let Santa know!!!
Now that we have no little tikes, I guess I had forgotten
how grand it is to read silly things to my family.
We are huge on reading, we love a good book on cd
(the second 'Leven Thumps' is in the car, for after school
listening, right now).
We read so many books each year.
Last summer Meg read all the Magic Tree House books,
this summer she is working on the American Girl books.
Mark is working his way through Harry Potter and
the Twilight books (he was put in a reading group with all
girls, they picked the reading agenda).
Jessette reads more books than anyone I have ever known.
It is a passion. I do love it also. I am trying to get Emmaly
to read "Mr. Darcie's Diary", a very good read!!!
Two of my favorite last reads have been
"Remembering Wholeness" by Carol Tuttle
and "The Peacegiver" by James Farrell.
Two life changing books, I think every one should read them both.
I am thankful for the passion that my family shares for reading.
We are truly blessed to have books so readily available to us.

Don't get me wrong, I think my kids love the wii most of all!!!

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Discover is a very nice place!
Orientation went well.
I think I will go back....

Mark made me aware of today being the first day of the last month of 8th grade.
How sad and happy all at the same time. He is excited and I am too. But one more
of my babies to grow up. Makes me a bit teary.
Jessette has been bringing home all of her work from her ceramics class.
She has made the loveliest cups and bowls. And she has made the most wonderful
mothers day gift. (I am not supposed to know yet, but WOW!)
My kids are all so creative and talented. I am thrilled. I can copy anything, but
they got the creativity from their dad, cause they just blow me away.
Meg came home from school and showed me the dance her class is doing for
the Beach Party at school. Each year Desert Harbor Elementary has a beach party.
The kids have a blast. This is the 13th year, we haven't missed one yet!
I am so glad to have kids!