Thursday, May 22, 2008

Today is Emmaly and Trent's 5 month Anniversary!!!
Tomorrow is National Turtle Day........

Our son graduated from 8th grade last night!
It is the third time we have watched one of our children
take the walk from little kid to teen.
And as we watched and listened, and viewed him and all
his great friends I was once again reassured that my kids
are totally AWESOME!!!
It was a very nice program, the best one yet.
And may I just say, my son was the most handsome
young mad there!
We were invited to The Peterson's for an after
graduation bbq. It was delightful! The Peterson's
are Mark's other family. If he were to run away, we would
find him there. (We would probably take him!)
They are a wonderful family, we are very lucky to have
them as part of our sons life. And how many kids do
you know that make thier own elevator music while
on hold.. Kenny Peterson does! We love the kid!

I watched American Idol for the first time last night, it was ok.
I still don't see what all the fuss is about.

I called Emmaly today and thanked her for sending this
WONDERFUL weather down from Idaho.
She is having 40 degree weather and rain. Well she sent
70 degree rain home to us, and we are thrilled!!!

Hope you enjoy National Turtle Day tomorrow!
Hug your kids, take a deep breath, and dive into
Summer Vacation!!!!

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