Friday, April 18, 2008

Today is Paul Revere Day...
It has been a busy week for me.
I spent Wednesday taking a first aid and a cpr class all day.
The guy that instructed was great. I think my knee is bruised
from trying to revive so many lifeless bodies. My TB test
came back great!!
Thursday was early release.... so we had
lots of little girls at our house! They had a great time.
I never let the kids have friends over, I am always at work.
So this was a nice treat.
My Visiting Teachers came over. I would love to spend more time
with them, I would love to get to know them.
I feel like we do not get to know enough people.
I went to an interview today, that led to an orientation. I guess
they liked me. They called all my references, and the gal at
the front desk said, congrats you got the job, as I left.
I am not 100% for sure yet, but it is nice to have a job
work around my schedule. I have been offered two other
positions elsewhere, but the hours did not let me be the
mommy. This new one does not pay well, but they will work
with my hours. I will continue to look. But money is money at
this point. So... as I left the orientation(in Sun City) I turned onto
bell road. There an old man tried to smash into my huge van.
I did not think, let him hit you, as my honey would have said to me.
No I swerved. I hit the curb. I blew my tire on BELL road, at 3:30
in the afternoon. I could not believe it. My dear honey came to my
rescue, so did a sheriff. They fixed me up and I headed home.
Only to find that Sara's car broke down today also.
And when I got home I found that the wonderful job the
Chas Roberts A/C guy did (it took 3 days just to get him out
to my house, that is three appointments!) on my a/c was crapola.
My air is not working any more!!!
They will call me 30 minutes before they come on Sunday.
That is all she would tell me. I am so disappointed.
Lets see, car#1, car#2 and a/c.
That is three things, I hope that is all that is headed my way.
I will think lovely thoughts and send the universe my hopes and wishes.
Then all will be well with my world.
Tomorrow is Yo Yo Day... or... National Cow Chip Day...
Ups and downs or a doo doo toss. I hope the day goes well for all!

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